Hazardous Tree Removal

A tree that is dead is a hazard not only to people but to other trees on your property. There are some conditions that are obvious that the tree is a hazard. If the problem is obvious you need to call us right away to take care of the tree and get it off your property. 

What are you looking for?

  • Splitting trees
  • Tree that are leaning
  • Decaying trees with mushrooms, conks, and brackets growing on the roots and branches
  • Branches that are bigger than 2 inches with signs of decay
  • There is less than an inch of sound wood for every 6 inches in diameter
  • One branch is larger than the rest making the tree unbalanced.

Other Signs of Hazardous Trees

Some signs are not obvious

  • The average home owner is not trained to spot a tree that is in distress. We have the experience and knowledge to tell if a tree is a danger and if it can be saved or not.
  • The tree is not pruned properly. This is the number one cause of unbalanced branches. As an experienced tree removal service we will evaluate the tree to make sure the branches are well balanced.
  • Hidden decay. If the tree is decaying it should be removed right away. The tree can fall over at any time. Rot can be hidden between the stems and under the bark and a big storm can snap the tree and cause a lot a damage.